NAAC Accredited with Grade:B++ (2025 to 2030)


The NCC in India was formed with the National Cadet Corps Act of 1948. It was raised on 15 July 1948. The National Cadet Corps can be considered as a successor of the University Officers Training Corps (UOTC) which was established by the British in 1942. During the 1965 and 1971 wars with Pakistan, NCC cadets were the second line of defence. Rather than just being the second line of defence, NCC syllabus now puts a greater stress on developing qualities of leadership and Officer-like qualities. The military training which the NCC cadets received was reduced and greater importance was given to other areas like social service and youth-management.

The College offers NCC facilities to interested students. Past cadets have made the college proud by winning medals & trophies on prestigious occasions.

NCC (National Cadet Corps) Cell:

Sl No. Name of the Members
1. Prof Utsa Biswas-ANO
2. Dr. Gargi Mukhopadhyay
3. Prof. Moumita Biswas
4. Kakali Kundu
5. Pankaj Mondal, Invite


Rishi Bankim Chandra College for Women has an active unit of NCC registered under 49 Battalion, West Bengal. The cadets of NCC regularly take part in extra-curricular and extension activities of the college. They regularly take part in the following activities—

➡ Tree plantation

➡ Blood donation

➡ Visit to Old Age Homes

➡ Disaster Management & Relief

➡ Observation of International Yoga Day

➡ World Water Day

➡ World Aids Day

➡ World Environment Day

➡ Annual Sports and other sports competitions

➡ Village upliftment and various other social schemes.

Title View
Yoga Day Celebration 2022 View
RBC college for women NCC activity participating student list View

Values of NCC

NCC aims to instil the following values in the cadets—

➡ A sense of patriotic commitment to encourage cadets to contribute to national development.

➡ Respect for diversities in religion, language, culture, ethnicity, life style and habitat to instil a sense of National unity and social cohesion.

➡ Understanding the value of a just and impartial exercise of authority.

➡ Ability to participate in community development and other social programme.

➡ Sensitivity to the needs of poor and socially disadvantaged fellow citizens.

➡ Understanding the values of honesty, truthfulness, self-sacrifice, perseverance and hard work.

➡ Respect for knowledge, wisdom and the power of ideas.

Camps of NCC

The cadets of the college regularly take part in the following camps--

➡ Republic Day Camp (RDC)

➡ Combined Annual Training Camps (CATC)

➡ National Integration Camp (NIC]

➡ Special National Integration Camp (SNIC]

➡ Advance Leadership Course(ALC)

➡ Army Attachment Camp (AAC)

➡ ThalSainik Camp (TSC)

➡ VayuSainik Camp (VSC)

➡ NauSainik Camp (NSC)

➡ Rock Climbing Camps (RCC)

➡ Hiking and Trekking Camps

➡ Youth Exchange Programme etc.

Participation of NCC cadets in different levels :

State/National/Zonal etc. for the previous years

2016 98 03 01 01 02 0 01 0 0 0 0
2017 103 04 01 0 02 0 01 0 0 0 0
2018 108 05 01 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0
2019 87 07 01 0 03 0 01 0 0 0 0
2020 120 07 01 0 04 0 01 0 0 0 0
2021 63 0 0 0 07            
2022 62 0 0 0 0            

For rules/regulations, enrolment form etc please see NCC website: http://nccindia.nic.in/

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