NAAC Accredited with Grade:B++ (2025 to 2030)

Department Of Political Science

The famous philosopher Aristotle remarked that “Man by nature is a political animal”. Politics by nature therefore is part of our daily life in various forms and units and we as political animal cannot escape it. Students studying political science would explore how political decisions and institutions, within and between states are made and how they function. They would understand the genesis of States, it’s actions and implication it has on our day-to-day life. As students of Political Science students would be understanding and dealing with traditional fields of politics, power, diplomacy, State, international politics, political system etc.
Political science being one of the classical disciplines would lead to students understanding the subject that deals with the study of political phenomena. Students at the end would have a deeper human understanding of the forms and nature of political actions and would be equipped with theoretical tools that would help them analyse and interpret human nature and various politically meaningful actions and phenomena.
The department was initiated in 13th July, 1984, after the trifurcation of the mother Institute. In the year 1996, Political Science Honours Course was introduced under the University of Calcutta. Till date, the General as well as Honours courses are continuing under the West Bengal State University (WBSU). In spite of a number of restraints, a genial environment for the students is prevailing in the department that motivates notional dormancy . Consequently students have been obtained desirable result and in the recent past, the students of 3 years Honours (1+1+1) system. Students also obtained first class position in the University Examination in CBCS system. Frontline students has been admitted Post Graduation Courses in different Universities.