NAAC Accredited with Grade:B++ (2025 to 2030)


Sanskrit is the oldest surviving language in the world and it also containts the oldest surviving text in the world, that is the Rg Veda. It is the repository of five thousand years of knowledge base of this country. Sir William Jones in his third annual discourse before the Asiatic Socity on the history and culture of the Hindus said ‘The Sanscrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either’. Friedrich Max Muller, one of the most respected indologists of his time, had called Sanskrit the “language of languages”. Swami Vivekananda, in his speeches and writings, emphasised the need for a proper study of Sanskrit, in which are enshrined our heighest treasures of literature, religion and philosophy.

Sanskrit is an indispensable tool for the study of ancient Indian texts and the wealth of knowledge contained therein. It is equally relevant in the modern times for harvesting in the indigenous knowledge system and applying it in the present context. With its vast resource material in different disciplines it has the potential to give India the lead in the field of intellectual property right.

The depertment of Sanskrit was established along with establishment of the college in 13th July, 1984, after the trifurcation of the mother institute. From the beginning Sanskrit-General course was started with about 90 students. In the year 2008, Sanskrit Honours Course was introduced under the West Bengal State University (WBSU). Till date, the General as well as Honours Courses are continuing under the West Bengal State University. Consequently students have been obtained desirable result and in the recent past, the students of 3 years Honours (1+1+1) system were obtained topper in position, as well as students also obtained first class position in the Universuty Examination. In CBCS system which was started in the year 2018, students are also getting good result.

Vision of The Department

• To provide the unlimited invaluable knowlwdge of ancient Indian heritage.

• To build a bridge between the ancient Indian knowlwdge systems and the current knowledge system.

• To explore ancient sciences and technologies with a modern perspective.

• To educate the scholars to be good citizens.

• To focus the interdisciplinary areas of Sanskrit and Vedas.

• To encourage the students to lead of Sucessful and fearless life.

Mission of The Department

• The mission of Sanskrit literature is one of humanism, of unity, of mankind, of values, of peace and mutual understanding and of harmonious development of the individual and the socity. Hence the mission of our Department is thwe same one.