The Department of Physics, Rishi Bankim Chandra College for Women, started its journey in 1984. The department is located at the first floor of Vidyasagar Bhawan of the college. Presently it offers Physics General Course to the B. Sc. students following the CBCS curriculum under the West Bengal State University (WBSU). The department has a well-equipped laboratory with various instruments like Travelling Microscope, Sonometer, Spherometer, Galvanometer, Potentiometer, Multimeter etc. to carry out various experiments of the CBCS course. Moreover, there is a darkroom for the modern optical experiments. The students of the final semester also enjoy computer programming facilities in the department. The Department of Physics always encourages students to take part in various scientific activities like student seminars, National Science Day celebrations, webinars etc. to enhance their scientific knowledge and to develop communication skill. Apart from this the department also promotes students to participate in cultural programmes organized by the college.