NAAC Accredited with Grade:B++ (2025 to 2030)


The Department of Chemistry, Rishi Bankim Chandra College for Women, started the journey under the University of Calcutta in the academic field of Chemistry for understanding of classical Chemistry as well as its latest developments in the year 1984 with two esteemed faculty members. A good number of students started the journey with B.Sc general course and thereafter in the year 2001 the department started the Chemistry Honours course under 1+1+1 course schedule. The department has come a long way providing academic excellence to its students. In 2008 the College changed its affiliation to the West Bengal State University. In the year 2018 the department acquired the CBCS pattern for the Honours and pass course students. From 2023 the department started the National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 in its curriculum. Academic excellence of this department is reflected through the achievement and well placement of the students of this department in different academia and industry. Several faculty members of this department also visited abroad with prestigious fellowships. The department has also received financial assistance from the UGC Minor Research Project. Recently one of our faculty received prestigious TAR project in collaboration with IISER-Kolkata from SERB-DST, Government of India.  Active research with several other institutional laboratories is also ongoing with the faculty members of this department