NAAC Accredited with Grade:B++ (2025 to 2030)

Department Of Botany

The department was initiated in 13th July, 1984, after the trifurcation of the mother institute. From the beginning, Bio-General Course was started with about 100 students. Subsequently, in the year 2007, Botany Honours Course was introduced under the University of Calcutta. Till date, the General as well as Honours courses are continuing under the West Bengal State University (WBSU). Though there are a number of limitations, a student’s friendly cordial environment is prevailing in the department encourages the academic inertia. Consequently students have been obtained desirable result and in the recent past, the students of 3 years Honours (1+1+1) system were obtained topper in position, as well as students also obtained first class position in the University Examination. In CBCS system, students are also getting good result. Obviously frontline students has been admitted Post Graduation Courses in different Universities and Colleges.